Kenilworth Court prides itself on being a friendly, pleasant place to live and tries to keep rules and regulations to a minimum. A Welcome to Kenilworth Court booklet is available at the office. Various restrictions concerning the use of the gardens are covered by the Landlord’s Regulations.
Where can I park?
There are 60 marked parking spaces in the court, and if you are a resident Leaseholder you can apply to the Kenilworth Court Office to join the waiting list to get a Licence for a specific space. Sometimes the waiting list can be up to two years. Cars or vans, including motorcycles and bicycles, can not be parked anywhere in the court without permission of a Kenilworth Court Porter or the General Manager. Bicycles are not allowed in flats and several secure bicycle sheds are available, and you must also contact the office if you wish to use them. Visitors may be allocated a temporary space for a car, motorcycle or bicycle if there is room. Please ask a Porter for a temporary parking permit.
Can I keep pets?
Well behaved pets are allowed. However, you must not let your dog run on the grass or freely within the grounds, and they must be prevented from fouling paths, roads or gardens. Feeding stray animals, foxes or birds, especially pigeons, is not allowed.
What do I do with my rubbish?
Rubbish and items for recycling should be tied securely in a leak-proof bag and left outside your flat door after 10pm each night except Saturdays. They are collected by porters early the following morning. There is no collection on Sunday mornings and you can not leave non-domestic rubbish or large pieces of refuse outside your door or anywhere in the court. Please do not put rubbish out before 10pm or leave it on your landing all weekend. It is an eyesore for other residents and could attract rodents.
Can I recycle?
There is a recycling service. Bag up old newspapers, magazines, plastics, glass bottles etc. and leave them outside your flat door with the refuse bags or carry them to the recycle shed in the main car park.
Can I go on the roof?
No; except in emergencies. In an emergency, if you can’t escape down the stairs to the street, use the stairs to reach the roof exit. The emergency lighting is activated, but taking a torch is advisable. Once you are on the roof follow the walkways – DO NOT cross under the barriers towards the parapets unless instructed to do so by the Emergency Services or Kenilworth Court Staff. The fire escape for Block H is down the Block I stairs and vice versa. The escape routes for Blocks A, B, C, D, E, F & E are down any of the adjacent blocks safe stairways. Newcomers (and their children) are encouraged to ask a Porter for a guided tour to show them these escape routes.
Can I get Terrestrial TV, Freeview and Sky TV?
Every flat in Kenilworth Court has a single core feed from the communal terrestrial and satellite network system.
Can I get Broadband and Wireless?
Residents currently use Sky, BT, Hyperoptic and other providers.
Can I feed more than 1 TV?
The system delivered to your flat can easily support the internal distribution of TV and radio signals to every room in your flat. Private external wiring is not allowed and will be removed.
How do I pay my service charges?
There are several ways to pay. Direct Debit is the easiest and most popular method and please ask the Office to send you a Direct Debit Instruction. Cheques should be made payable to KCCHA Ltd which can be delivered to the Office or posted in the letterbox of the Porters’ hut. If you chose internet or telephone banking, please make sure to quote your flat number as a reference, so we can identify your payment.
How do I get my meters read?
Gas: If your flat has a gas supply, the meters are inside your flat. The company that supplies your gas will contact you directly about reading the meter. Electricity meters are all installed on the landings or basement of each block. In order to read your meter, the meter reader needs to contact the Kenilworth Court Porters to unlock the meter cupboard.
Can I sub-let my flat?
If you wish to sub-let your flat, the prior consent of the Association is required in writing (Clause 2(9) of your lease refers). Your application should be sent to Monika Senk-Sandercock, the Association Secretary, who will then advise you of the procedure to be followed.
How can I be co-opted or elected onto the Committee?
Members can be co-opted during the year or elected at the AGM in the autumn. If you’d like to help, but do not have the time for a full commitment, the committee is always grateful for specialist advice. If you have specific experience or knowledge which you think would be helpful to Kenilworth Court, please contact Monika Senk-Sandercock, the Association Secretary, if you would like to stand for election at the AGM.
© Kenilworth Court Co-Ownership Housing Association Ltd (KCCHA)